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Autoscaling using Kubernetes

When it comes to expediting a product’s deployment, Kubernetes is a go to tool for organizations with their infrastructure on cloud. With its in-built capabilities of automating an application’s deployment and container management as a whole, Kubernetes offers an end-to-end framework for autoscaling applications. For this, KEDA, or Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling comes into picture for autoscaling any container – upscaling or downscaling as per the given requirements.

Overview and Benefits of KEDA

KEDA is a niche component that can easily be integrated into a Kubernetes cluster to scale an application based on specific events. This essentially helps bring in more efficiency and flexibility within a set of events as it targets only those, leaving the other components of the application to function independently. KEDA can work seamlessly alongside HPA or Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, which helps in scaling pods or the components within a Kubernetes container for either RAM or the CPU usage.

To elucidate upon some of the benefits that KEDA offers:

  • Flexibility and scalability – Needless to emphasize upon how KEDA plays a pivotal role in upscaling and downscaling an application as per the given need. It allows for more flexibility in managing an application and for it to scale down to zero instances as well. Thus, via KEDA, autoscaling becomes easier and simpler.
  • No impact on other components – KEDA automates and scales specific events and parts of applications, deployments or jobs, without any impact on any other component of the application. Thus, it works as an independent function and easily integrates configurable events for expediting deployment.
  • An array of workloads – KEDA autoscales an array of workloads including FaaS (Function-as-a-Service). This is a key benefit of using KEDA for expediting deployment and handling multiple workloads – which can be scaled up and down as per the requirements.

These are just a few advantages of Kubernetes’ capabilities and surely not an exhaustive set.

Relating Kubernetes to Docker

Docker and Kubernetes are often looked at in comparison to one another but they can be leveraged together as well, for scaling an application by expediting processes and making the infrastructure more robust. Docker’s resources can be integrated with a Kubernetes’ cluster easily and can be implemented together for better efficiency.

Kubernetes and EKS

Kubernetes is also extremely flexible to be managed by EKS or the Elastic Kubernetes Service by Amazon. This essentially is a managed service wherein Kubernetes clusters can be integrated within AWS to help expedite and automate deployment, scaling, and compatibility – helping optimize performance or load balancing as well as network security.

Thus, autoscaling Kubernetes becomes a pivotal facet in expediting processes and ensuring end-to-end scalability and flexibility of an application on the cloud. Be it with KEDA or with Kubernetes’ integration with different tools and technologies on the cloud, an organization’s cloud migration journey can become extremely efficient and seamless.

RTCTek offers enhanced and hands-on expertise in Kubernetes and the autoscaling needs of clients. Our domain experts possess specialized knowledge and experience in the field – helping clients with their customizable requirements.